Monday, 12 April 2010

Running in 2009

My new year’s resolution for 2009 was to take up running.

I’d tried before, I’d started the Couch to 5k program at least twice, but this time it stuck.

I’ve just logged into my nike+ account (apparently for the first time in 2010) and it had all these fun summary stats for me:

I usually ran in the night and I ran most often on Sundays (makes sense, after work mid-week and long runs on Sundays)

My average pace was 7.53/km (which it says is quick like a cat – which to me sounds like it’s taking the piss!)

I ran a total of 551km (that’s over 9 marathons!!)

I burned 50,606 calories (that’s enough energy to power my iPod for 20 days of partying!)

Not bad for a new year’s resolution!

- CJ

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