Monday, 12 January 2009

worrying will make me crazy

I am a natural born worrier. I worry about everything. I worry about my level of worrying.

My boss announced today that we are hiring one of the interns. She will be the same grade as me, and as I've only been in the role for 6 months I'm worrying a little about my job security and prospects. I know logically I should be glad that in a time of economic crisis, our company is doing well enough to take on another team member, but that is not the stem of my worrying. The worry is because the team is small. There is one person at each level and no-one seems to get promoted unless it's a steady stream of upward moving. There will now be someone directly above me, that I cannot possibly hope to get bumped to her level because she's been in this job two years longer than me, and someone hot on my heels. It worries me.

Today was health-wise a good day. I had fat free strawberry yogurt with granola for breakfast, an apple, vegetable soup (quarter of a cabbage, quarter of an onion, beef stock and a carrot) and then went to weightwatchers. I weighed in (ugh!), went to the gym, where I did half an hour on the treadmill and then had some pineapple, and the other half of my soup. I'm now drinking a lo-cal hot chocolate drink and will be off to bed.

Sweet dreams!


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