I shouldn't be taking a week off blogging...not good at all! I'll do better this week!
So, Monday was a snowday so I had no Weight Watchers weigh in, so tomorrow will reveal the last 2 weeks efforts and that's a little scary. Last weekend I had family visiting so wasn't perfect, then this week has been a bit blah. I haven't been cooking, so I've been eating junk. I've had a cold that has made me not really want to work out (Tuesday I literally came home and slept after work! I didn't even make it to bed, I crashed on the sofa!)
Then this weekend a couple of crappy meals have got me down. Saturday night I was out with a friend and ordered diet coke, except they didn't have it. They had no diet drinks whatsover and I should have just switched to water but I didn't. I had full fat stuff. Then later I ordered a vodka with diet coke (in a different venue!) and when it got back to me my friend pointed out that the woman had actually poured from a regular coke bottle. Then my caesar salad came with the dressing on instead of on the side, but we'd waited so long and the theatre was about to start that I just ate half of it instead.
Today I feel like I have worms, and I know it's because its that TOM, but damn I could eat ALL day.
I've snacked on 5 crispbeads, I had the BIGGEST plate of zero veggie salad, followed by another plate of salad with my meal and I'm still not full!
On the plus side though, after not working out from Tuesday to Friday, I did week 4, day 2 of C25K yesterday, and then half of it again today before BodyPump.
I might, might, (possibly not) try to move up to week 5. I really think I should because I don't even run that fast and I really need to push myself!
My goal vacation is in 14 weeks, and I NEED to have this sorted by then!
Have a good week everyone and fingers crossed for my weigh-in tomorrow!
2.21 Friday Faves
22 hours ago
Haha it's funny that you haven't posted in a week. Neither have I. there must be something in the blogging air that is making all of us a little lethargic. Or maybe we're all suddenly crazy busy. Who knows!? But good job on the running/C2k program. YOu might want to move up to week 5, just because those are guidelines; not necessarily set in stone. Good job trying to make healthy choices despite the universe making it hard!